Luxury 1 Bedroom
Above is the current price of the Luxury 1 Bedroom Apartment in Brighton, Michigan. Unbeatable prices and outstanding amenities and services make these apartments a great place to call home.
- Noise-barrier floors & walls
- Energy efficient insulation
- Plush wall-to-wall carpeting
- Spacious closets
- Convenient parking area
- Car-ports available
- Storage area in unit
- Cable TV available
- Sliding glass doorways
- Frost free fridge/freezer
- Garbage Disposal
- Large pantry
- Double-bolt security system
- Heat included
- Window treatments
If you would like to view the Brighton Plaza Apartments in Brighton, Michigan please visit us at 940 E Grand River Ave, Brighton, MI 48116 or call us today at (248) 521-1985 and set up an appointment.